
Staff Letters: Phil

...This is the face that you hide from...

Damn. I missed a letter. That's pretty unusual for me. Sorry about that, I know how much you all live for my letters of the month. ;)

Anyway, January was an evil month. I worked between 70 and 90 hour weeks for most of it. Since there was a 2/1 deadline on the project in question, things sharply calmed down in the first week of February. But about then is when the class I'm in decided to kick in - or rather the projects started kicking in. Project, homework, project, homework, midterm, project. Yeesh. So that's been taking up quite a bit of time.

Not to fear, however, IPOM has not fallen by the way-side, we've reached the next major milestone in the new section that we keep hinting about. I'm hoping to be able to announce the details and a date very soon... only one more milestone before it enters final testing. I will tell you that it's something I can't wait to finish because I have so many things this will enable me - as a user - to do. It's pretty exciting, and I don't think anything like it exists out there.

Also, I'm really, really proud and excited to say that Lynn (my girlfriend for those of you who don't follow that closely), has been accepted to graduate school - and not any graduate school - the #3 school for Information Library Sciences in the country (Pitt). The #1 school, Illinois, hasn't responded yet, but I have a feeling she'll be accepted there as well. We'll see. Oh - and don't worry, neither of us are moving to anywhere - it's a Distance Education program. Congratulations sweetheart.

On the bike front, I ran into a snag - got a bolt broken in half and stuck in the engine block - but I managed to get it out today cleanly. So I'll get the front tire replaced this week and get new bolts for the exhaust (that's the bolt that broke), and the bike should be ready to go! I owe my good friend KC a debt of gratitude for his long hours working with me in my garage on that thing.

On a very, very random note, I want to say thanks to all of those people from all over the country who still IM me to tell me about their problems, share intimate sexual details about their life with me, and otherwise share intimate things with me even if I haven't seen then in years. I'm serious, I love that stuff, and it's good to keep in touch. And as always, your secrets are safe with me.

BTW, guys, if you want to buy your lady flowers for some occasion, and want something a little different, nice, but don't want to spend your entire paycheck, I recommend Japanese Lilies. They're fragrant enough to fill an entire room, and they smell awesome.

Well, that's about it for this month - see ya'll in April.



I got the fucking bolt out!
Taking Thursdays off to get shit done


Uptight people
Toilet is in 4 pieces



January 05 Letter
December 04 Letter
November 04 Letter
October 04 Letter
September 04 Letter
August 04 Letter
July 04 Letter
June 04 Letter
April 04 Letter
February 04 Letter
January 04 Letter
December 03 Letter
November 03 Letter
October 03 Letter
September 03 Letter
June 03 Letter
May 03 Letter
April 03 Letter
March 03 Letter
February 03 Letter
January 03 Letter
December 02 Letter
November 02 Letter
October 02 Letter
September 02 Letter
August 02 Letter
July 02 Letter
June 02 Letter
May 02 Letter
April 02 Letter
March 02 Letter
February 02 Letter
January 02 Letter
December 01 Letter
November 01 Letter
October 01 Letter
September 01 Letter
August 01 Letter
July 01 Letter
May 01 Letter
April 01 Letter
March 01 Letter
February 01 Letter
January 01 Letter
December 00 Letter
November 00 Letter
October 00 Letter
July 00 Letter
June 00 Letter
May 00 Letter
April 00 Letter
March 00 Letter
February 00 Letter
January 00 Letter
December 99 Letter
November 99 Letter
October 99 Letter
September 99 Letter
August 99 Letter
July 99 Letter
June 99 Letter