
Staff Letters: Phil

...Please excuse me while I tend to how I feel...

Ya know there's something wrong when MY letter ain't up on the first!!! And what's more, I haven't been buggin' everyone else for their letter!!

I've been super busy. I've been in school a week, and already I re-mapped all the print ques in the library, set up a new machine, fixed a program on all the machines in the library, and some more, in addition to fixing some teacher's computers. I've also managed to pick up a lengthy project in AP Calculus, along with lengthy daily homework, and a book to read... this weekend.

That's only HALF of the story. Not even. So I apologize if I'm not around much. I know I've promised a lot of stuff around here, but in addition to the school stuff, I also have college applications, and another certification to work towards.

ANYWAY, that's enough bitching. Wanna hear something funny? CalTech's MIDDLE 50% Math SAT score range (as in the middle 50% they accept has these scores, they take 25% above this and 25% below), is 740-800. HOW CAN YOU GET ABOVE AN 800??? What's their TOP range?!?! I laughed for like 10 minutes over that!! Ya know what else is funny... there's this thing in my old neighborhood called "Jolly Trolly" it's a little wooden motorized trolly car that drives from school to school selling candy and icecream at the end of the day. Today my friend and I saw it on a MAJOR road, it took a turn going top speed (maybe 30) and nearly flipped! It was HYSTERICAL to see this little toy thingy driving down a road with a 50mph speed limit. Hmmm, well I guess ya had to be there...

So, I'm in the process of learning some new shit, and if I ever get a few seconds maybe I can incorporate it here. Other than that, life is boring and sucks. =) So until next time I leave you with this knock off of a quote: "I listen to Metallica and sleep around cause they're the two most fun things to do in any weather."

MOVIES (I've seen)

Rated 1-5 by number of !s
American Pie (!!!!!)
Bowfinger (!!!!)
Chill Factor (!!!!)

MOVIES (I want to see)

The Haunting
Inspector Gadget
The 13th Warrior
The Sixth Sense
Teaching Ms. Tingle
Mystery Men


Heather Graham (this time for Bowfinger)
Katie Holms
Patricia McPherson
Don't know what she looks like now, but in the 80's...


"It's not ASP-ing" - Jaron referring to an ASP page
"Arithmatic Error" (arithmetic with 'matic' pronounced as in 'mathmatic' in order to be used as an adjective) - Paul referring to the calculus teacher that can't add


A Clockwork Orange


Starting a chapter of the ACLU at school
Heading up the new National Technology Honor's Society
Being a Senior


Invasion of privacy
No time


August 99 Letter
July 99 Letter
June 99 Letter