Staff Letters: Dave
November letter.
I feel like shit today.
Should have gone to sleep last night.
I'm debating whether to write up a long letter, like last month, or to just keep it short, cuz people are sick of the shit I bitch about.
But I wouldn't know, cuz nobody talks to me, cept one person who contacted me through ICQ but then stopped talking to me.
I might join the army.
Friend of mine said he was thinking of it, so I told him that if he did, I would... I'd just have to...I wanna play with things that go boom...really really really big boom.
Before the end of the year I should have part of my first Metallica tattoo, winding up my left leg from foot to knee.
Should have it in time for the Y2K show.
Hopefully they'll announce other shows soon
I'm not sure how many shows I'll see, but Milwaukee if they play here, Chicago yes, maybe Minnesota, maybe Ohio... we'll see.
I feel like puking.
Gotta get the cd coming up, and the video as well.
See ya'll in a month.
October 99 LetterSeptember 99 Letter
August 99 Letter
July 99 Letter
June 99 Letter