Staff Letters: Dave
Confucius say: Sometimes Dave's life gonna suck, other times it's gonna REALLY suck, and occasionally, we'll play him some Metallica.
Dave say: Thanks, asshole.
September. In one respect, life is going fast, because last month is now gone so damn quick. In another, it seems like my life is never gonna end. I was supposed to move to Florida. My parents decided to make me feel like shit and now I'm staying here. Now, not only did I manage to fuck with my friend's life, mine's got a few new twists. All I ask is for God to let me get married (and, ahem, laid, please?) and let me get a bunch more Metallica crap. I know God has his reasons for what he does. I just wish he'd let me know his reasons and plan right now...I'm impatient. Hmmm. For those of you at the chat Sunday, sorry for missing it, I was asleep and never got woken up. Metallica was just on the radio. Am I the only one that hates hearing Die Die on the radio? I hate it 'cuz I always get psyched up 'cuz it's fuckin Metallica, and then, like, in a minute, it's over. That pisses me off big time. On a side note, everyone go to Matt's site. Under construction, but I still like it. I'm hungry. Anyone else hungry? Well. I'm leaving now. Vibes. Fuck. Good stuff: God. Family. Friends. Friends that don't hate me after I fuck shit up. Metallica. Bad stuff: Life. Decisions. The boogy monster. Bad gas. Missing the chat. Metallicrackdown. No woman. No money. No new Metallica crap (though I found a Metallica winter cap at a friend's house the other day. Just appeared there. Mysterious shit). No woman. No money. No woman.
August 99 LetterJuly 99 Letter
June 99 Letter