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Amazing Jason Welcome to the Where Are They Now? section of IPOM. So what's this all about?

Maybe you really miss Jason. Maybe you tell anyone who will listen that you wish Dave Mustaine was still in the band. Well, this is the place for you to follow what is going on in their professional and personal lives. You're probably asking what's the use of this section when you could just go to, or The answer is simple... only we can bring the special IPOM touch to it! ;) This section is also run by Anna.

Please, as we've said many times, we work very hard to bring you information as soon as possible, so please give credit if you use these stories. If you have questions, comments, or stories, send them in.

You chose to include APRIL FOOLS stories.

05/24/10 Interview with Newsted [link]
Jason did an interview with the Contra Costa Times on his first art exhibition, is first potential customer, and life after Metallica. Check it out here.

Thanks to Blabbermouth for the heads up.

You chose to include APRIL FOOLS stories.

If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail us at

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Please read our Copyright Info