Date: 1999-04-30
Location: Mexico City - Mexico [24 shows here]
Venue: Foro Sol [11 shows here]
Fan reviews: 1 - Add yours!
Author: Pablo
Setlist: Yes
Monster magnet came out at 6:45, they played about 30 mins, and the people were not so excited, they closed with "space lord" and was good, later Pantera came out, they played abut 45 mins and played songs like "cemetery gates" "Are you talking to me" and hey closed with "cowboys from hell", then we waited for 10 or 15 mins and later Metallica came out i was at first row, and all the chairs of the first section was flying over the people, then every one was jumping and singing and squishing me with the metal fence next to the scenery, opening with "Breadfan", they played "master of puppets" ""king nothing" "bleeding me" "fight fire with fire" "for whom the bell tolls" "battery" "The thing that should not be" they started "sanitarium", but only played the first notes, the same was with "harvester or sorrow" played "fuel" "the memory remains" "Sad but true" "nothing else matters" "of wolf and man" "where ever i may roam "the four horsemen" "die die my darling" and they closed with "enter sandman." During "nothing else matters" some guy threw a plastic bottle to Jaymz that was alone on the scenery, he stopped the song and said "you assholes, want us to go?" Later during the "sad but true" song other guy threw a bottle again and it hit Jaymz's guitar, he said "we don't need this shit man, and we well leave if you continue."
When they finished, as usual they threw pics and drum sticks, and Lars gave acymbal to a gay net to me and Jaymz gave me a pic.
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