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2019-07-28 Picks Revamp! [link]
We're excited to announced a major revamp of our Picks section! It has a ton of new features!
First and foremost, the new Guides section has you covered whether you're a beginner or a pro - from tracking trades to pick lineage, it's got everything you want to know.
The most exciting thing is the new Trading Center. This is the feature we've been slowly working towards since the beginning - and our most requested feature of course. A single place where you can not only see a a list of all the people who track their picks on IPOM (if their list is public), but who you can trade with and how much, all in one view!
There's several other fixes, tweaks, and changes all over including a clean new main page!
We've been working o this for a very long time and we hope you enjoy. If you do, please encourage others to use IPOM to track and trade picks as it will give us all a better resource.
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