

Welcome to IPOM Chat. We have a room on IRC reserved for when we have organized chats. You may go into this room whenever you want, but we can't guarantee anyone will be there. We will let you know about organized chats. Be sure to check out the instructions below.

LOCATION:: IRC (DALNET Servers), channel #IPOMChat
Person - NickName
Phil - IPOM
Doug - DougAErb
Dave - Zangfam
Anna - Annihilationleigh


Below you will find some instructions on how to get your IRC client setup, and how to join the chat. PLEASE NOTE: Do NOT ask for OPs in the room, we will NOT give it to you.

Download mIRC
1. Go to's download page.
2. Choose one of the download links, appropriate for your operating system [v5.51(32) for Win9x, or v5.51(16) for Win3x]. Click the appropriate link, and when it asks if you want to Save or Open, click "Save To Disk." Your computer will ask you to select a place on your computer to download, remember you download to!!
3. When mIRC is done downloading, find the file, and run it. The installation program will help you instal quickly and easily.

Setup mIRC
1. Open up mIRC.
2. Close the pop-up window that asks you to register.
3. You should now be looking at a setup box. From the list of servers choose any DALnet server (which ever is closest). Then fill in your name, email address, Nickname, and alternative Nickname. Leave "invisible mode" UNchecked. Click "CONNECT TO SERVER."
5. A pop-up window with open channels (or rooms) will open up. Close this. 6. Type the command /join #IPOMChat.

Optional Stuff
If you think you will be using IRC on a regular basis and would like to register your nickname so others can't use it, you may type in the following command: /msg NickServ REGISTER Your_Password (replace "Your_Password" with a password of your choice... and write that password down somewhere).

PROBLEM: It says "You're not in a channel"
SOLUTION: You need to make sure that you have a forward-slash (/) at the beginning of your command.

PROBLEM: It says "Unknown Command"
SOLUTION: 1. You may have misspelled the word following the parenthesis.
2. You may have a space between the slash and the command, remove that space.

PROBLEM: My Nickname keeps changing, but I'm not changing it
SOLUTION: The Nickname is in use, you must choose a new one. Type: /nick NewNickName (replace "NewNickName" with your new desired nickname).

Have any other questions, or problems? Email the webmaster for some help.