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Coin Collection - The newest collection page

Welcome to the Insanity Palace Of Metallica, or as we call it, IPOM. IPOM is a website dedicated to bringing the most Metallica to as many people as we can. We attempt to be a creative website, and have things that other sites don't, such as a Lyric Theory section, where you and other visitors can share your thoughts on what the songs' lyrics mean.

Our most popular section is our Personal Tour Report where you can find out what songs you have and have not yet seen live and get other stats! Or look through nearly every setlist in the band's history in our Tour Archive.

Are you a collector? We help you keep track of your collection of Picks and Coins too!

So browse around and enjoy one of the best Metallica sites around!

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© 1997 - present Phil Dibowitz
Please read our Copyright Info